
时间:2018年01月21日 来源:bat365在线官网登录




BE Department Conducts Teacher Training of Business English Practice Skills Contest

On the morning of January 20th, at the invitation of Business English Department, A trainer from Xiamen Yixue Software conducted teacher training of Business English Department on “Yixue Cup”Business English Practice Skills Contest.


The training was conducted in International Trade Training Center of the new campus. The trainer from Xiamen Yixue Software detailedly introduced the purpose, instruction and procedure of“Yixue Cup” Business English Practice Skills Contest and also presented International Business Negotiation Training System, International Trade Practices Training System, BE Listening & Speaking Training System, Cross-Border E-Commerce Training System and so on. We are in hope of cooperation on horizontal project with Yixue Software.

The whole BE staff participated the training.

(商务英语实训平台培训, 讲堂群108国贸实训室)

图/文:孙芝婷 刘新颖 审核:林志萍


上一条:福建省方志委俞杰副主任莅临我校宣讲 下一条:王立非、郭桂杭教授莅临我院交流讲学
